It’s been more than seven years since Village elders from Palisades High embarked upon a journey to increase African American student engagement and achievement. This original group included two teachers, an administrator and a parent who was the impetus for participation in the first Village Nation Summer Institute. The elders have expanded to a strong and diverse team of dedicated adult leaders that includes classified staff! Their impact has been felt throughout the school and African American achievement has steadily increased every year, as has their enrollment in AP and honors!
TVN at Pali has become a model of innovation. First, VN students organized a “reverse impact assembly” to show the elders what they had learned. Then Fuerza Unida was formed to help support Latino student achievement. VN girls led the way in exploring gender identity in an assembly that spawned a school-wide event for all girls, as well as an African American boys assembly. Pali elders served as a resource for other sites. TVN salutes the Pali team for these extraordinary accomplishments!!